raising a foundation

to support the city


Every home is unique. Some have kids and some don’t. Some homes belong to married couples while others may have extended family or just one person. We want to find ways to connect you no matter what your home looks like!

We stand as the steadfastness of character, the firmness of resolve, and the unwavering commitment to our principles.


Student Ministry is for our 6th – 12th graders. They meet weekly on Wednesday nights and have a lot of other activities happening throughout the year.


On Sunday morning we have class for babies through kindergarten. Our elementary school kids attend the first part of our service with their family. This gives them an opportunity to sing and to be with their family. Midway through the service, we’ll provide an opportunity for 1st – 3rd graders to go a class with content at their age level. 4th – 5th graders are welcome to go, but the content is designed for the younger elementary school student. We’d also love for all of our elementary school students to stay the entire time in the service. If they choose to do that, they are invited to swing by the Guests Table after the service to pick up a City Kids card (or add points to a card) that with which they can redeem prizes.

Kids Ministry


For anyone ages 18-36, our name “4:10 Ministry” stems from the verse Ecclesiastes 4:10: “If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” Our mission is to create a community of young adults that does life together through all stages this age can bring. We do this by meeting regularly for Taco Tuesdays, monthly meet-ups on the square , bible studies, and more–

Come check us out. We’d love to see you at our next event!

small group MINISTRY

Everyone needs 2am friends! We need those people who will show up in the middle night when our world collapses. We believe the best way to do that is to find a small group of people that you can be authentic with, study the Bible with, pray together, and pull each other towards Jesus.



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